Jump-Start Your Digital Marketing Career

Are you interested in the field of Digital Marketing? Then you’re in luck! iversity has announced two courses offered by digital marketing professionals who will share their expertise and guide you in our Digital Marketing Course In Jaipur Toolkit. Acquire vital marketing skills, jump-start your career with our unique course bundle and get certified for 20% off!

Develop Fundamental Skills With “Digital And Social Media Marketing”

Start your learning in September by building a foundation in “Digital and Social Media Marketing”. Offered by a consortium led by Salford Business School, this course will teach you essential online marketing skills. Discover how to identify your target audience, choose the best marketing channels and create engaging, viral content. After the course, you will be able to develop a strategy that is smart, cost-effective and generates great results.

Advance Your Skills With “Building Strong Digital Brands”

In October, you will dive into the world of Digital Branding with our course “Building Strong Digital Brands”. Offered by the Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste, Berlin), this course will teach you how people’s perception of your brand affects how they behave, and how you can adapt the personality of your brand to match your target audience. Once you complete the course, you will be able to weave an exciting story around your brand that builds strong emotional connections with your audience.

Benefit From Our Unique Digital Marketing Toolkit

If you are interested in a career in the field of Marketing, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the Digital Marketing, Branding and Social Media landscape. Each of these key subject areas greatly impact each other, and our Digital Marketing Toolkit is the perfect way to understand today’s complex digital marketing world in a flexible, affordable and engaging way. Show your potential or existing employers that you are driven to learn and stay ahead of the industry curve. So don’t miss this opportunity to jump-start your digital marketing career and get certified at a great price!

Take Advantage Of Our Bundle Benefits

Both “Digital and Social Media Marketing” and “Building Strong Digital Brands” are free courses and offer a Certificate Track option at the price of 49€ each. You can, however, take advantage of our special offer: Enrol via our Digital Marketing Toolkit offering and receive a 20% discount on both courses! Seize this opportunity to be part of a unique learning experience by taking these courses that perfectly complement each other. You will learn from experts in both fields and receive two valuable certificates on top. Start building your skills with the Digital Marketing Toolkit today and take your first step towards a creative and rewarding career.


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